Thursday, February 24, 2011

...interactive t-shirt...

I'm standing at my door in the hallway during  a passing period.

Two freshmen boys are walking towards me.

Student 1:  Hey Miss O'Brien, play his t-shirt!

Me:  What?

The students stop in front of me.  Student 2 is wearing a t-shirt with a keyboard on it.

Student 1:  Play his shirt!

He reaches over to Student 2's shirt and starts "playing" the keyboard.  It actually makes noise.  He was really playing his t-shirt!

Me:  Wait, do you have some sort of battery attached to your shirt????

Student 2:  No...(he pulls something out from under his t-shirt).  It's an amp.

The student has a keyboard t-shirt with an amp that actually plays music.

He ordered it online.


  1. NO WAY!!! That's pretty much incredible!!

  2. that is amazing, he could easily be the coolest person alive
