Wednesday, February 16, 2011

...are you gonna blog about me?...

Well, the blog has leaked out.

Some students now know the link and are enjoying the stories....

So I took a few students on a leadership field trip this week.  Throughout the day I heard, so are we going to make it on the blog?  Are you going to blog about me?  I wanna say something funny so I'll get one the blog!

Today the same student came into my room, Did you blog about me yet?  I haven't checked yet!

They are getting as bad as Mr. Smith across the hall with his attempt to make it onto the blog with lame jokes.

Well, there you've both officially made it....

It's just not the same when you ask for it, is it?

Don't worry you two, I'll keep looking for a more authentic reason to blog about you.  I'm sure your day will come.

1 comment:

  1. good one u just blogged about them i should be a teacher just to enjoy the krazy stuff kids do
