Wednesday, October 20, 2010 pictures...

So, back when you were a young child you would get dressed up in the fall for picture day.  You eagerly awaited the day pictures came in so you could cut them up and exchange with friends.

Well, since I work at a school, I still have picture day.  Now the purpose is more for documentation in the yearbook.  Yet, for some unknown reason, the school photographers think that teachers still want copies of these pictures.  They give us a free package.  What am I going to do with all of those?  It's not like we teachers are going to exchange pictures with each other and write things like Never change!  BFF (well, actually we did do that one year).  I mean, I can give one to my mom.  But what about the other 13 in various sizes?

It was picture day.
A student received a big cookie in her locker with a simple request piped in chocolate frosting:  Homecoming?
I was on lunch duty and this student offered part of her big cookie to me.
The bell rang.
I was off to get my picture taken.
The photographer takes my information, tells me where to stand, how to tilt my head, and snaps several pictures.
As I exit the room, I notice them:  cookie crumbs.

The pictures came in today.

I'll never forget that cookie.


  1. Totally not noticeable.

  2. So I love that you said that about getting the picture packets. When I saw that they gave us pictures, I thought to myself, what are 12 little pictures going to do for me. I'd rather they save their paper or give us one big print (for my parents). I gave the whole package to my parents this weekend. haha

  3. Lisa, you make me laugh really hard. :) -Jennifer
