Sunday, January 2, 2011

...I am a celebrity...

I went out to dinner with a friend tonight.  We were at a restaurant two towns east from where I teach.  When I was enjoying my raspberry iced tea, and waiting for our meals to arrive, I got this feeling that I was being watched.  Have you experienced this, where you just know someone is looking at you?  (How does that even happen anyway?)

I looked towards the door, and there were three students from my school starring at me.  When these teenage boys realized that I saw them, they physically responded.  You know, like shrinking back into themselves communicating "Aw man, she saw us!"

I lifted my hand to give them a quick, stiff wave from across the crowded room.  Despite their apparent embarrassment from being spotted, they responded with hearty, over-the-head waves.

I am a celebrity.  I can't even go out to dinner without being recognized and spied upon.

I anticipate a conversation next week that goes something like this:

Student:  Miss O'Brien, I saw you at Red Robin.

Me:  I know, I saw you too.

Student:  Who were you with?  She was pretty cute!  (or other descriptor I'm not comfortable hearing my students use in reference to my friends)

Me:  She's too old for you kid, so it doesn't matter.

Student:  Awwww, come on!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! That is definitely one of the "perks" of teaching.
