Friday, December 17, 2010

...their first experience with finals...

Student 1:  When will our tests be graded?

Me:  They should be entered before the end of next period.

Student 1:  Seriously?  That is fast!

Student 2:  They use a machine.

Student 1:  Where is it?

Me:  I can't tell you.

Student 1:  Is it like a teacher or something?

Me:  Yes, there is a teacher in the building who has the ability to look at the scantrons and grade them.  We just pass them in front of his eyes to grade them.  But when he blinks it messes it up, so the short tests are pretty easy, but long ones that use the 200 question scantrons can be difficult.

Student 1:  Who is it?  Is it Mr. Shaw?

Me:  I can't tell you.

1 comment:

  1. Your students are so funny! I love that they can't pick up on your sarcasm! "Who is it? Mr Shaw?" Hahaha!
