Thursday, December 2, 2010

...december is here...

Yesterday was December 1st.  It didn't really feel like it should be that late in the year...But I guess God wanted to make sure I was up on the transition because I woke up to snow gathered on the edge of sidewalks and the tiniest flurries hitting my windshield as I drove to work.

I forgot a scarf.

Winter (I know, it's still not official for a few more weeks, but December = winter in my mind) seems to mean more students settling in my room after school as well.  I don't know if it actually has anything to do with it or not, but my room was a hoppin' place yesterday.  Homework, detention, relationship advice, and more.  The freshmen boys had a home game.  Which means they were not going home before the game (the curse of being without a license), which means they needed a place to hang out, which means I had several visitors, which means I left later than I anticipated.

One guest (who was actually a random addition, not from the freshmen team) seemed to need a heart-to-heart.  I've kind of sensed this from him throughout this semester.

Occasionally he stops by my room, and whenever he does he says things like "I was really bad in your class last year, wasn't I?"

He was.

But I am not much for grudge holding.  I know he's a good kid; he was just really immature.  So, I've found it interesting that he regularly brings that up.  So, yesterday he came to my room after school and started the conversation as usual.  But this time he didn't have to rush off to class, so he stuck around and talked with me for a long time.

In the midst of a busy room, full of visitors and activity, he started telling me all about how he has changed.  He apologized for his behavior and expressed amazement at how I put up with him.  (Of course my response was daily prayers for patience and wisdom.)  He's had several experiences over the past few months that have given him a bit of a wake-up call.  We talked through several of the concepts from class last year and how he is seeing their reality in his life now.  It almost felt like he felt the need to both confess to me and prove that he is different.  It was clearly important for him to have this conversation with me.  I'm glad he did.

After winding that down and eventually clearing everyone out, I took off my lanyard and headed home in the cold, dark night.

Once I was home, I noticed a paper clip in my hair.  That's right, a paper clip.  In my hair.  Good thing I went straight home and didn't run errands.  That would have been embarrassing.

This morning, once again I had a constant stream of people in my classroom before classes started.  Two of these dramatic students came to ask me to convince them not to drop their honors classes.  Yet another pep talk.  I think I should start recording these inspirational speeches.  Then I could just ask what the issue of the day is, and play the appropriate file.

Maybe I'll work on that over Christmas break...

1 comment:

  1. You're very good at those inspirational pep talks! :)

    P.S. I love the picture at the top and all the books on the sides of your page!!! SOOOO you!
