Friday, February 17, 2012

...guns aren't allowed in school...

A young man with a sleeveless shirt walked into the room across the hall.
A teacher noticed.
He called several of us over.
Five teachers stood outside the door and attempted to be as serious as possible.
The student was called into the hallway.
He is turning red and acting nervous.

We're going to have to take you downstairs to talk to the police officer.

Getting defensive, What?  Why?  What did I do?

Guns aren't allowed in school.

What?  Are you serious?  This is why you brought me out here?  Relieved, he shakes his head and goes back into the classroom.  His guns were still out for everyone to see.

The five of us in the hallway have a good laugh before the bell rings as a signal for us to get back to business.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! That's awesome. You have the best stories, Miss O'Brien!
