Monday, May 21, 2012


At every PLC meeting, we try to start out with some celebrations.  I'm sure when our administration encouraged this practice they expected things like, My students did really well on the last test! or I didn't have to write any referrals for a month! or other really great achievements regarding our students.  However, our PLC tends to celebrate a little differently.  Sometimes we celebrate discovering funny You Tube videos or learning new words in another language, that sort of thing.

Well, last week I felt the need to share some celebrations with my PLC via email.  Here it is:

I have two things to celebrate:

1st:  Over the past few weeks, I'll be honest, I've been disappointed with our dress code compliance.  I know it's the end of the year, but it's been ridiculous.  So, I just wanted to point out that today we do indeed have 100% compliance.  Great job guys!
2nd:  Post-assembly, Ben challenged me to a race back to my classroom.  I won.  That's right.  I won.  This is a fairly large accomplishment for me considering my complete lack of athleticism.  I will take your congratulations via email, in the form or high fives, or with chocolate.


In response I received:
1.  A digital high-five.
2.  A digital chocolate rose (chocolate & flowers in one).
3.  A ridiculous accusation by Ben that I punched him and threw garbage cans in his way.
4.  A fun-size chocolate bar thrown at me during class, which of course I did not catch.
5.  Congratulations from my students after I explained why a teacher just threw chocolate at me.
6.  Several fun-size candy bars in my mailbox.
7.  A confession from Ben that I won fair and square--no garbage cans involved.

I was pretty satisfied.

By the way, for you new-comers, Thursdays are Kaleidoscope Days...So it's basically impossible for us NOT to have 100% compliance.  Even so, it is good to recognize Positive Behavior.  (Right PBIS fans?)

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