Wednesday, April 25, 2012

...administrative assistant day...

So, apparently today is Administrative Assistant Appreciation Day.

Somehow the staff divided up the administrative assistants in the building with each PLC responsible for somehow showing our appreciation.

Long story short, our PLC was not fully aware of the occasion until part-way through the day.  Our PLC exchanged several emails about the situation and potential solutions...Truth be told, I have 33 emails in my inbox from this thread.  Here is a sampling of various comments:

Isn't Lisa technically our assistant because she takes notes for us?

I think a handmade card would be nice...followed by a nice pair of mittens made out of yarn...

Hmmmm...What do we know she loves?

She loves Andy.

I have chocolate chip goldfish.

I just looked it up and saw that May 16 is "Give the Oldest Member of Your Department a Hug Day."  Boy!  So many celebrations all near the same time!!

A few of us had a real conversation in the hallway to get down to business and figure out what we would seriously do.  I doctored up a picture we took earlier in the semester:

Disclaimer to Spanish speakers:  I know this is full of mistakes.
More comments via email after the picture was attached:

Why is the writing in French?

I hear she likes French, and French food is too expensive.

Oh we should get her French Fries.  Everyone loves those!!!

It was an interesting day...with seemingly non-stop email checking.  On my prep hour I had the picture printed, bought a frame, picked out a card, looked for a 100 Grand bar to tell our assistant that she is worth a 100 grand to us, couldn't find one, and settled for a Take 5 bar.

In the midst of the emails there was more discussion about what the guys were going to do for me.  It was suggested that I get myself something while I was out.  Well...I did.  I got myself a Take 5 bar.  When I told the guys how much they owed me to cover the cost, I included enough to cover that as well.

Everyone signed the card before another PLC member delivered this amazing gift of appreciation.

I had a meeting today.  When I returned to my classroom, I found a photo copy of the card (that I purchased, wrote in, signed, and took around to the rest of the PLC members) on my desk.  This was their gift to me.  Man do I feel appreciated...or at least I will once I get that cash back...

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