Thursday, April 18, 2013

...toilet talk...

It's getting close to the end of the school year.  As we anticipate that, it's kind of a bittersweet time in my hallway.  You see, I am taking a one-year leave-of-absence to serve in Uganda (check out my blog for that).  Another one of my coworkers is resigning to be a pastor.  It's kind of sad, feeling like our little family is breaking up.  I (and some of the other guys) have had both staff and students ask us how we are going to manage (especially those staying behind).

So we have been thinking that we should do something fun together before the end of the school year.  One of the guys and I were chatting about making a video of our crazy memories.  That might sound cheesy and lame, but if you knew us, you would realize it has the potential to be really funny.  Another teacher was talking to me about how we should go to a local driving range/mini-golf place and simply record ourselves in our natural state, and it is sure to be hysterical.  I encouraged him to make this suggestion to our friend who came up with the movie idea in the first place.  That teacher had just left my room to use the bathroom.

Immediately he left my room with his great idea swimming around in his thoughts, and headed to the staff bathroom.  He stood outside the door and pitched the idea.  Shortly after the door opened...and a different teacher from our hallway walked out!  It took a couple minutes for the two men to work out their confusion.  I heard things like, I didn't know you was talking to me!  and  I thought you seemed to be talking a little louder than normal for a typical hallway conversation.

Nevertheless, he seemed to think it was a good idea too...
Don't worry, if this video actually gets filmed, I'll be sure to share it.

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