Thursday, November 3, 2011

...last name...

Student is sitting in his desk (which is next to mine), repeating his last name over and over.

Me:  Practicing?

Student:  It's a weird last name.

Me:  silent laughter

Student:  If you say it slowly it will really mess you up.

He says his last name slowly, to demonstrate the weirdness.

Does it really mess you up when you say your last name slowly?


A few minutes later he asked me if I'd ever poked myself in the eye.  Apparently it's already happened to him twice in my classroom.  Another student confirmed that she has witnessed it...both times.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should have a "guest blogger" post every once in awhile so others can share their ridiculous stories, I'm sure your hallmates have a few to go around. =)
