Monday, October 31, 2011


So the greatest day of our lives (as a PLC) occurred last week.  We were honored with an incredible award.  None of us ever really thought we would receive such recognition.  We were speechless.  We were so excited that we called an unscheduled meeting to have a mini-ceremony.  I even made cookies.

We were given a Dundie by another teacher.

Go ahead and Google it if you don't know what it means.  (Hint:  Season 2, Episode 1)

For those of you who do know what it means, you understand how appropriate it is for us (if you have been keeping up with this blog recently).

Measurements of the Dundie were taken with a nearby ruler.  Rumor has it that one of my fellow PLC members is going to build a case for it out of plexi-glass.

1 comment:

  1. How the heck did you get the light to shine so perfectly on it? Glad the little golden guy has a nice home.
