Thursday, March 3, 2011

...the llama...

I drive through back roads to get to work.

I pass several different types of farms along the way.

One farm has sheep, a donkey, and a llama.

Today when I drove past I noticed something unusual:  The llama was off by itself, not with the sheep.

I looked a little closer and realized he was on top of some standing water that had frozen overnight.  He was trying to stand up but kept slipping on the ice.  As his feet wobbled, he kept his neck/head straight up.  It made me think of some "tough guy" who slips and then tries to act as if it didn't happen.

Part of me wanted to think, Oh, poor llama!  But before I could even finish the though in my head, I was cracking up at the sight of this animal struggling to stand up and join it's sheepish friends.

Sorry if you're offended by this animal cruelty.  I don't know if he was harmed at all during the day.  (He seemed fine on my way home.)

1 comment:

  1. That's hilarious! I can't believe someone really owns a llama!!!
