Thursday, March 24, 2011


Hey readers, you have led me to a break through this week:  Over 2,000 hits!  Wow!  I'm glad to see you are enjoying my times of laughter.  So, to celebrate, here's another story:

Today a student noticed a little bottle of coconut lime lotion on my desk.  It has a creamy, yellowish color.  Upon seeing it, he asked me Do you think this one tastes like yogurt too?

This statement reminded me of a blog post I intended to make, but never did.

A few weeks ago this same student saw a different bottle of lotion on my desk (remember the lotion party?).  This lotion had a pinkish tint to it.  He put a little lotion on his hand, watched it move around in his palm a bit, turned to me, and said, Do you think this looks like yogurt?

I don't remember if I just looked at him or affirmed that it did look a little like yogurt (maybe raspberry, but without the seeds).

Do you think it will taste like yogurt?

Regardless of my answer, he had to find out.  So he licked it.  That's right, he licked lotion to see if it tasted like yogurt.  Real logical, right?

Well, it doesn't taste like yogurt, according to this student anyway.  But it does take a few seconds to realize it.  Apparently it's gross.

Yet, this memory almost wasn't strong enough to keep him from investigating a new flavor, I mean scent, today.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Okay readers, so I think you pretty much failed the interactive test.  Well, except Kristin & Anonymous.

So, I fold.

Answer:  a box of tissues

He knows the way to a teacher's heart.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 interactive test for my readers...

A student just dropped off a "gift" to me.

When I asked why I earned the privilege of his generosity, he said it was because I am his favorite teacher.


(This is where the interactive test part comes in.  Leave a comment if you want to take a stab at it.  I'm curious as to what you might guess...)


I just returned to my classroom to find yet another self-portrait.

This one is taped to the window next to my door.

Interestingly enough, it is labeled with a name of a student who already put his self-portrait on my bulletin board a couple weeks ago.

The portraits do not look anything alike.

Monday, March 21, 2011

...coloring pages...

I just remembered that I took this picture a few weeks ago.

One day a student brought me a picture that she colored.

Yep, she is 15 years old.

I think it was that same day...or at least the same week...when I had some visitors during my prep hour. They were coming from their history class. They had drawn and colored self-portraits and wanted to put them up in my room. I now have drawings of 5 different students' faces on various walls in my room.

None of them really look like their drawings though.

Good thing they labeled them.

...flash drive...

Today a student asked me if my necklace was a flash drive.
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Friday, March 18, 2011

...are you in love with him?...

Sometimes when I give my students time to work in class, I will play some music quietly in the background.

The other day this was happening in one of my classes.  A song by Enrique Iglesias came on.

Student:  Miss O'Brien, are you in love with him?

Me:  What?

Student:  Are you in love with Enrique Iglesias?

Me:  Why would you think that?

Student:  Everyone's in love with Enrique Iglesias!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

...spray paint...

Student:  Awww man!  I just realized that I have spray paint on my hoodie!

Me:  Wait, what did you realize?

Student:  I have spray paint on my hoodie!

Me:  Ummmmm, how did you get spray paint on your hoodie?

Student:  I spray painted my closet and I didn't take my clothes out of it.

Me:  Wait, what?  You spray painted your closet?

Student:  Yeah, that's how I painted my whole room.

Me:  You painted your room with spray paint?  That is odd.

Student:  That's not odd.  It worked really well.

Me:  Okay, so you spray painted your room.  And you spray painted your closet.  And you didn't take out your clothes?  I mean, you couldn't have taken five minutes to take them out?


Me:  Right, but you couldn't have just grabbed them and taken them out?

Student:  That would be too much work.

Me:  Okay, (in attempt to check mental state and possible influence of paint fumes) how long had you been painting before you decided to paint your closet?

Student:  Like two seconds.

Me:  So that is what you started with that day?

Student:  Yeah.

Me:  Okay, so I'm a bit confused.  If your clothes were still in your closet, what exactly did you paint?

Student:  There's a wall in my closet.  I painted my name on it.

Me:  You painted your name on your closet wall?

Student:  Yeah....My shoes got kind of dirty too.

Other student:  I'm thinking of spray painting my closet like that now. (Don't worry, he was being sarcastic.)

Me:  Maybe you could get her to paint it for you.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

...the llama...

I drive through back roads to get to work.

I pass several different types of farms along the way.

One farm has sheep, a donkey, and a llama.

Today when I drove past I noticed something unusual:  The llama was off by itself, not with the sheep.

I looked a little closer and realized he was on top of some standing water that had frozen overnight.  He was trying to stand up but kept slipping on the ice.  As his feet wobbled, he kept his neck/head straight up.  It made me think of some "tough guy" who slips and then tries to act as if it didn't happen.

Part of me wanted to think, Oh, poor llama!  But before I could even finish the though in my head, I was cracking up at the sight of this animal struggling to stand up and join it's sheepish friends.

Sorry if you're offended by this animal cruelty.  I don't know if he was harmed at all during the day.  (He seemed fine on my way home.)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011 head hurts...

My students were working on their bellwork assignment.

I was taking attendance at my desk.

A student came over:  Miss O'Brien my head hurts.  I hit it on the board.

Me:  How did you do that?

Student:  I was looking at the projector, and I ran into the board.  It hurts real bad.

It must have happened in the class before mine.  It still doesn't make sense to me.  I was laughing too hard to get the details.