Monday, February 14, 2011

...I smell good...

I put some lotion on my hands (not the one I wrote about before that my friend gave me and I was giving students, this is my good stuff) at the beginning of class while my students were working on their bellwork assignment.
A few minutes later I was passing back papers.  When I got to one student's desk she started sniffing really deeply & loudly.  You know, the kind of sniffs that cause your whole body to move.
Student:  You smell so good!  (sniff sniff)  You just smell so good!  (turns to other student) You should smell her; she smells really good!
Other student:  What?  Weird!  I'm not smelling her!
Student:  No, just ask her something and she will come over to your desk and you can smell her.  (sniff sniff)  She smells so good!

I walked away to continue to pass back papers to other students.

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