I got a haircut last week.
As a teacher, that means you will have hundreds of comments over the next few days. Not necessarily compliments, but comments. This isn’t because students are rude or do not like it; it is because they are not very good at giving compliments.
The day after the haircut, each class was constantly interrupted with, Did you get a haircut? asked by various students one after another…within seconds of each other.
Today a student popped into my classroom and said, Miss OG, you got your haircut! You look better with long hair. But you still look good.
(Note: Many students call me Miss OB. This student calls me Miss OG because I am the Original Gangsta.)
In one class today, while my students were working, I was typing. A few students noticed that I was typing quite quickly and not looking at the screen. This is amazing to them. One student even got up to stand behind me, and asked me to look away and keep typing. He was so impressed that I was actually typing words. Not only that, I knew when I made a mistake and backspaced without looking at the keys or screen.
The response from the student who had first noticed my typing skills: You are a GREAT woman!
My response, after I recovered from reactive laughter: Well, you are a great kid…sometimes.
Later a student stopped in after she had lunch. She said hi then took a look at the pictures on what I call my STUD WALL. I just call it that because I abbreviate student as stud & it is a wall full of pictures of students. So this student was looking for pictures that she was in. Before leaving, she said, Yeah, I’m a stud. I get it from my mom.