Friday, December 31, 2010

...a time to reflect...

Today I will put aside my typical humorous tales, and take a more serious approach.

It is New Year's Eve.  2010 is coming to an end, and we are about to embark upon 2011.  I am not one for resolutions or any such traditions.  (I think it is because I really don't see a point in making a big deal out of "resolving" to make some major change in my actions, habits, lifestyle, etc. that I know don't have a good chance of making it out of January.)

Even so, today...this week really...has me thinking about all that has transpired in 2010 and what is yet to come in 2011.  So, I have put together a list of events that occurred over the past 12 months that have had a significant impact on me and who God is shaping me to be.  I am sure I am forgetting some things (though I did do a quick survey of my iCal, which helped the list to grow).  There is so much I could say about each one of these items, but I am going to attempt to keep it simple.  (Don't be too surprised if it turns out to be long...By now you've probably detected that I usually struggle to keep things very short.)  After reflecting on what has happened in 2010, I began looking ahead to 2011.  As a result, I also have a brief list of my anticipations for what this year will bring.  Of course, despite any planning I may do, I really do not have any idea what God has in store for me (James 4).  Yet, I am entering the new year with faith that it will be filled with times of growth, excitement, and oh so much more (hopefully some more times to laugh for you to enjoy).

>God opened the eyes and minds of the people in my church to orphan care (largely in response to the earthquake that hit Haiti).
>I helped put together Homeless Care Kits with Here's Life Inner City.
>Our churched helped pack thousands of meals (I forget how many) that were sent to Haiti through Kids Around The World.
>I volunteered at Feed My Starving Children for the first time.
>I joined a newly established team at church to focus on short-term and local missions.  We want to encourage and provide opportunities for our people to serve Christ, by serving others, outside of the church walls.
>I went to The Summit VI, Christian Alliance for Orphans to learn more about orphan care.
>I helped put together a church-wide garage sale to help raise funds for the short-term mission trips & saw God bless our efforts greatly.  (Keep an eye out for another one over Memorial Day Weekend.)
>We got a new roommate (welcome to the Oasis Melissa).
>I transitioned out of Student Ministry after 7 years.
>I began developing an Orphan Care Ministry at church (still a long way to go with this...)

>I taught Algebra I Credit Recovery for summer school & saw the students improve their skills.
>I went to Uganda for 5 weeks with Juna Amagara Ministries....Oh what to say about that...
-->I met many people who I now consider my family.
-->I began developing an unexpected love for the people and country of Uganda.
-->I was able to experience a little bit of life with our missionaries Matt & Crystal Kehn.
JJ & I
-->I began supporting a young man, John Jude, through university.  (That's right, I'm putting a "kid" through college.  But I consider him my brother...)
Me & Rauben
-->I am helping another young man, Rauben, finish high school.
>I started my fifth year of teaching at my school (earning the controversial tenure).
>I started blogging.
>I was asked to share about Uganda and other volunteer experiences in a Peer Leadership class in my school.
>I attended a wedding for a young woman who I mentored when she was in high school (and still enjoy meeting with when we can).
>I was a bridesmaid in my (former) roommate's wedding--this was bridesmaid experience #7!
>Village Bible Church had our first Orphan Sunday.
>I endured what may have been the most difficult semester I have had as a teacher.
>I have begun planning my return trip to Uganda.

>See all of the Juna Amagara students, whose pictures/information we brought home last summer, sponsored.  (Contact me if you want more information on this, or check out the link to Juna Amagara above!)
>Be a consistent example of Christ's character at school/work.
>See God develop the Orphan Care Ministry (families taking steps towards adoption, developing practical ways to come along side individuals and families as they care for orphans, etc.).
>See God raise up teams of people for each short-term mission trip (Alaska, China, Uganda, Liberia) & provide all that is needed for those experiences.
>Finish a school year before June!
>Return to Uganda to be used by God with JAM.  I look forward to being reunited with my new family there.  I hope to faithfully follow God's guidance in regard to Uganda's role in my future.

(I wanted to include more pictures, but this site told me I couldn't.  Sorry!)

...a time for scootering...

This evening I was sitting on the coach, enjoying my Christmas break, watching the latest Netflix that had arrived in my mailbox.
One of my roommates was home, and downstairs in her room.
As I was watching, I thought I heard quiet knocking, as if someone was at our door.  But I didn't answer.  I didn't want to be interrupted.  Plus, we have a doorbell.  So I figured if someone really wanted to be let in, they'd ring it.
About 5-10 minutes later there was a LOUD knocking at my door.  This time I got up.
I was greeted by three young men (don't worry, I know all of them).
When I opened the door, they proceeded to ride their scooters into my house and then back out to the door step.
One was wearing a "futuristic" coat with snazzy belt.  Another was wearing a plastic bag like a backpack (you know, arms through the handles).  The third was sporting multiple "grandpa" sweaters (that's right, multiple), fingerless gloves, and long socks on the outside of his skinny jeans.
As we commented on the grandpa-like attire of the third (minus the skinny jeans of course), Plastic Bag
Boy says:  When Skinny Jeans Boy is a grandpa, I wonder what Futuristic Boy will be like.
Before roaring in laughter, we all pause awkwardly and Futuristic Boy says:  Uhhh, I'll be a grandpa.
(Of course Plastic Bag Boy actually used names, but I like to keep things anonymous.)

As I type this out it doesn't seem nearly as funny as it did in real life.  I mean, Plastic Bag Boy could have just said:  I wonder what Futuristic Boy will be like when he is a grandpa.

Did I just take away any humor that was remaining?

Well, in case I botched this time to laugh, here's a picture of a scooter like the kind they rode inside my house:

Oh yeah, and they said that was the only time they had knocked.  The mysterious quieter knocks (which my roommate also heard) before the guys arrived remain just that:  a mystery.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

...Christmas laughs...

(Impatience wins...I have two more videos I have been trying to load for two days.  For some unknown reason it is not working.  So, here it is.  Maybe I'll try again later.  No promises.)

So, my life isn't just funny at school.  My family can be quite amusing too.

Here is some evidence:

Stuffed pheasant as the centerpiece.  Family members that struggle to smile.  
(Nice job sis-in-law and niece.)

"Light Saber" battles.

My 92-year old Grandparents learning how to play Wii Bowling (and totally dominating):

My mom boxing.  I had to keep telling her to back up so she didn't hit the TV.

Monday, December 20, 2010

...ichat photo...

During final exams there is often very little to do as a teacher.  My students are silently filling in bubbles for 185 questions (that's right, I'm mean), and I am sitting at my desk.  I have cleaned up the counter, organized papers, decided I can't concentrate on planning for next I check to see if any other teachers are on ichat and as bored as I am.  Awhile after opening up ichat, I noticed my photo.  Of course the pictures are really tiny, so I couldn't see it very well, requiring a closer look.

It was definitely not me.  It was a picture of "Jamal."  (See the "my boyfriend" blog post below for a little more on him.)  I rarely go on ichat, so I have NO IDEA when this change occurred.  It was probably sometime in the past two weeks because in the picture he is wearing the headphones I keep in my room (confiscated from who knows what student sometime in the past) which I recently gave him access to when visiting after school.  Apparently I need to password protect some things on my computer.  So, after realizing I was being displayed as an African-American teenage boy, I decided to replace the picture.

When I made this interesting discovery, Jamal happened to be in my classroom, taking his exam.  After he finished, he made his way to my desk and sat in my chair.  (At this point I was so bored I had to walk around, therefore leaving my chair vacated.)  In order to keep him out of trouble, I returned to my desk to talk with him.  (Don't worry, we were quiet while the rest of the students finished.)

So, when and why did you change my ichat picture?

How did you find out?

Well, I was on ichat and I noticed that my picture wasn't actually me.

How did you know?

Well, I looked at the picture and thought:  I am not a black boy.

That is racism!

Ummm, sorry but you are black.  How is that racist?

I'm a black MAN!

Hmmm....Okay, we call that ageism.

Friday, December 17, 2010

...their first experience with finals...

Student 1:  When will our tests be graded?

Me:  They should be entered before the end of next period.

Student 1:  Seriously?  That is fast!

Student 2:  They use a machine.

Student 1:  Where is it?

Me:  I can't tell you.

Student 1:  Is it like a teacher or something?

Me:  Yes, there is a teacher in the building who has the ability to look at the scantrons and grade them.  We just pass them in front of his eyes to grade them.  But when he blinks it messes it up, so the short tests are pretty easy, but long ones that use the 200 question scantrons can be difficult.

Student 1:  Who is it?  Is it Mr. Shaw?

Me:  I can't tell you.

Monday, December 13, 2010


You know her from Boy Meets World.

About 12 years ago, I met a new group of friends that told me they thought I looked like her.  I didn't really buy it, but I smiled at what I assumed was a compliment.

Last week a student told me I look like her.

Does anyone actually see it?

I don't think I can see it...

(I'm the one on the left.)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

...packing a piece...

Hats are not allowed in school.

A few weeks ago some students were asking me about this rule.

Girl:  So, Miss O'Brien, do you think those knitted berets that girls wear count as hats?

Well, I don't really want to get into it. 

Occasionally girls will wear them to school.  Personally I think they qualify as hats and shouldn't be worn.  I mean, who is to say that a guy couldn't claim his hat isn't purely for fashion as well?  But it's an issue I just avoid--choosing my battles.

Other girl:  It's not like someone could hide a gun in it or anything.

Good point, you probably wouldn't pack a piece in a knitted beret.

Boy:  Dude, Miss O'Brien!  That's like the quote of the day!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

...random additions...

1.  Last weekend I went to a madrigal dinner at a school other than where I teach.  A student from church invited me to come hear her sing.  This is a great shot I got while she was singing near our table.  She was beautiful in her velvet gown.  The random woman at our table who we didn't know:  bonus addition to the picture.

2.  Today I received two "Christmas gifts."

        > Mouse on the right is from my sister-in-law.  I baby-sat for my nephews and niece tonight while she and my brother went to his company Christmas party.  She came home with some nice goodies for me.  Creative.  And it tastes good too.
        > The gingerbread man ring is from a student.  She walked into my classroom in the middle of the day with a tray full of cupcakes.  When she asked if I wanted one, of course I said yes.  But then I had to decide between peppermint, gingerbread man ring, or gingerbread woman ring as the decorative "prize".  The student's response:  Of course the ring, but not the girl.  I've got dibs.  When I asked why she was giving me a cupcake, she said it was because I'm her favorite teacher....So how does that explain her walking out with over a dozen cupcakes still in her hands?

Yeah, I wore it for the rest of the day.  (The purple nail polish is the result of baby-sitting my niece.)

3.  Favorite conversation of the day:
Miss O'Brien, you fancy!

What?  I'm fancy?  What exactly about me is fancy?

Look at this!  (pointing to my desk)  You got everything organized in glasses (Yankee candle jars that I use for paper clips and such) & your pictures in glass (plastic magnetic frames on my file cabinet)...It's your swag!

I've got a fancy swag?

Yeah you do! (put the emphasis on yeah for the full effect)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

...nerf axes and birds...

First hour, a student was really excited to share a story from the weekend:

Miss O'Brien, there was a bird in my house the other day!  You know those nerf battle axes?

I nod my head, though I really don't know what he's talking about.  But I can imagine it's simply an axe made out of nerf material.

Well, I hit the bird with one.

Did you kill it?

No, I just hit it down.

Did you hit it out of your house?

No, then I opened all of the doors in my house and it limped out.

Really, it limped?

Monday, December 6, 2010 boyfriend...

Today two young men were in my classroom after school.  We'll call them Tyrone and Jamal for the sake of obvious racial stereotyping.  Don't judge, race is part of this story.

Jamal is one of my freshmen.  He's....unique.  He's what we educators call a tapper.  You know, he's always tapping something on his desk, usually a combination of pen and wrist, to set a beat.  He's not exactly academically minded, and his behavior regularly needs correcting.  Nonetheless, we have established a good relationship.  I am able to tease him without incident, and he occasionally even throws a joke back.

Tyrone is an upperclassman who is new to the school.  I have never had him as a student, but have gotten to know him, superficially anyway, since he is often in the classroom across the hall.

This afternoon, when the two of them were hanging out in my room, Tyrone was sharing a little bit about his history and how he ended up in this town.  I was pretty impressed that he was so open and honest with me since this was our first real conversation.  He hasn't exactly had it easy.

Then, out of no where Jamal pipes up.  Miss O'Brien has a black boyfriend!  Did you know that?

Eyes wide, Tyrone:  Really?!?

Yeah, he used to be in jail.  But he's changed.  He came in here one day and was talkin' wit us about it.  He was saying:  It aint worth it! (Imagine emphatic arm gesture at worth.)

Really?  I gotta get myself in this classroom.

I have no idea why Jamal told him this.  Don't worry, Tyrone knows the truth...Well, at least that he wasn't in jail and never came to class.  Somehow Jamal seems really convinced that I do have a black boyfriend.  Whatever.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

...december is here...

Yesterday was December 1st.  It didn't really feel like it should be that late in the year...But I guess God wanted to make sure I was up on the transition because I woke up to snow gathered on the edge of sidewalks and the tiniest flurries hitting my windshield as I drove to work.

I forgot a scarf.

Winter (I know, it's still not official for a few more weeks, but December = winter in my mind) seems to mean more students settling in my room after school as well.  I don't know if it actually has anything to do with it or not, but my room was a hoppin' place yesterday.  Homework, detention, relationship advice, and more.  The freshmen boys had a home game.  Which means they were not going home before the game (the curse of being without a license), which means they needed a place to hang out, which means I had several visitors, which means I left later than I anticipated.

One guest (who was actually a random addition, not from the freshmen team) seemed to need a heart-to-heart.  I've kind of sensed this from him throughout this semester.

Occasionally he stops by my room, and whenever he does he says things like "I was really bad in your class last year, wasn't I?"

He was.

But I am not much for grudge holding.  I know he's a good kid; he was just really immature.  So, I've found it interesting that he regularly brings that up.  So, yesterday he came to my room after school and started the conversation as usual.  But this time he didn't have to rush off to class, so he stuck around and talked with me for a long time.

In the midst of a busy room, full of visitors and activity, he started telling me all about how he has changed.  He apologized for his behavior and expressed amazement at how I put up with him.  (Of course my response was daily prayers for patience and wisdom.)  He's had several experiences over the past few months that have given him a bit of a wake-up call.  We talked through several of the concepts from class last year and how he is seeing their reality in his life now.  It almost felt like he felt the need to both confess to me and prove that he is different.  It was clearly important for him to have this conversation with me.  I'm glad he did.

After winding that down and eventually clearing everyone out, I took off my lanyard and headed home in the cold, dark night.

Once I was home, I noticed a paper clip in my hair.  That's right, a paper clip.  In my hair.  Good thing I went straight home and didn't run errands.  That would have been embarrassing.

This morning, once again I had a constant stream of people in my classroom before classes started.  Two of these dramatic students came to ask me to convince them not to drop their honors classes.  Yet another pep talk.  I think I should start recording these inspirational speeches.  Then I could just ask what the issue of the day is, and play the appropriate file.

Maybe I'll work on that over Christmas break...