Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Why do I pack so stinking far in advance?  I just end up making last minute changes anyway....
Sometimes I don't even understand myself!  Good luck to the rest of you!

12 hours from now the team of travelers will be gathering at my church to head to Africa.

It's a weird mix of feeling like it's taken forever to arrive, yet not being able to believe that a full year has passed since I went to Uganda for the first time.

Well, no promises there will be any posts until I return in August....In the meantime, check the link for my team's blog to stay connected.  We're bond to post at least one funny story to make you laugh...

Friday, June 24, 2011


I was having a conversation with friends about remembering passwords.  Don't you just hate it that practically every website you use asks you to create a login & password?  How can we possibly keep them all straight?  And even if you try to just have a regular one you use every time, it doesn't work because different sites have different requirements for number of characters, letters, numbers, etc.

One friend was telling a story about how they were working on something and entering in someone else's information:

Friend:  Hey, what's your password?
Other person:  Remember.
Friend:  Remember what?
Other person:  No, that's my password.  Remember.

Awesome.  How have I never thought of this?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

...did you know?...

So, a big storm and tornado warning came through town while I was at church & just about to leave.  I was sitting around with a few other people.  Some of these people were young children.  As we waited for the storm to pass by, we discussed various topics.

All of a sudden a little girl asks, Did you know fish poop is red?

Hmmm...I always thought it was white.

Friday, June 10, 2011


So I spent a few days visiting my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew in Minnesota.  The beauty of teaching is the flexibility for impromptu mini-vacations in the summer.

Before I left their house in the morning, we gathered together & they prayed for me.  Rachel went first.  In the midst of serious, heart-felt prayers, a little three-year voice shouts out, "Amen!  Now your turn!"  He points to his dad.  That's one way of letting someone know you think their prayer is too long!

So Mark prayed and then asked little Jonathan if he wanted to pray.  His response?  "NO!  I'm not tired!"

Maybe next time there are family prayers other than at bedtime we should make sure no one is wearing footie pajamas in order to avoid confusion!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Student:  You just made a little boy very happy.  I want to give you a hug or something...

(I cut him off)

Me:  Uggghh, I don't want you to hug me.  (as I cower)

Student:  I know you would be creeped out by that, so can I have a handshake?